Category Archives: Great Tips

No to Chemicals!

A must read!

Chemicals in household products used to create artificial smells could worsen allergies for people with high levels of exposure, according to new research. Researchers behind the study, published in the journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine, focused on enzymes in household chemicals genetically modified to resemble natural flavors and smells. The process of genetic modification could…

via Why ‘Natural’ Household Cleaners Can Make Allergies Worse — TIME




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“What will other people say?”

Do you know what people say about your home when you’re not there? As a seller, you’re probably dying to know what potential buyers have to say as they tour around your property.


Realtors® reveal what potential buyers are really thinking about your home when you’re not there. These are the statement being overheard during open houses.


stinky-houseStatement#1: “What’s that smell?”

Homebuyers don’t want houses that stink. Sellers must identify and remediate odors that make prospective purchasers hold their noses and run for the exits. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy for sellers to identify familiar smells that might be problematic because people get used to the odor of their house and may not notice that something is unpleasant.

The best way to find out whether a house smells okay is to ask someone who doesn’t live there to come inside and give an opinion. Odious odors, by far, top the list of things home buyers comment on. Some just open the windows to eliminate those funky smells, but if the odor won’t budge, consider lighting some scented candles. If you really want to clean those carpets and rugs, make sure to do it maybe a week or two before putting your place on the market.


full-closetStatement#2: “I don’t know where you’ll keep your clothes, honey.”

Every inch of storage space matters. Buyers often joke about this. It really pays to make your closets look as spacious as possible. Remove the unnecessary stuff to declutter.


medicine-cabinetStatement#3: “Wow, these people take a lot of meds.”

Agents have always reminded you that buyers tend to open and look inside medicine cabinets, kitchen cupboards, and anything else they feel the need to see and check out to make a decision on the home. There will always beside comments about your medicine stash. The best you can do about this is hide your medicine somewhere else safe (like inside your nightstand).


kids-bathroomStatement#4: “Adults live here?”

As much as you or your kids may love your cartoon-inspired home, buyers might get a little bit shocked about it. Try to stick with a neutral décor, just to make it clear that you’re serious enough about the sale.


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Statement#5: “The house seems dark and depressing.”

It’s a proven fact that our home plays a significant part in how we feel emotionally. This could be a mood killer for buyers most especially if the rooms are dark or dimly. Luckily, this flaw can be remedied easily. There are things you can do to help the blues be gone. Here are some tips:

  • Let there be light. Add mirrors and lamps, open blinds, use a lighter material for curtains and the most important part is to wash those windows.
  • Flow of furniture. Try mixing up your furniture, putting it on an angle, adding a new conversation nook.
  • Deep clean. Declutter.


noisy-neighbours-have-cost-me-a-tenantStatement#6: “It’s awfully loud.”

Noisy neighbors? Noisy road? This can be a huge turnoff. Calm down! Try planting trees and shrubs between your home and the road to block it out. You can also do this in between you and your neighbors’ yards. Soundproof windows could be a well worth investment.


fresh-paintStatement#7: “If these walls had a fresh coat of paint…”

“…it would make it so much nicer!” Tired, old homes can be given a makeover with a simple fresh coat of paint. This can not only make your property look more modern and appealing, but it can also potentially increase its property value. Whether you prefer to paint the exterior, the interior, or both areas of your home, you’ll find that creating a fresh new look can be a worthwhile investment. The clean look of fresh, neutral paint can increase your property value and make your house more appealing to a wide range of buyers. A good paint job helps show buyers that you care about your property and that it will serve them well in the years to come.






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Ranna Fekrat - Agent with Ranna & Associates

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Have a great day!


Many are excited moving into a new home. New homeowners tend to obsess over décor blogs and catalogs, watching home improvement shows non-stop and having something in mind to put in a part of the new house. Overeager homeowners often make big mistakes when furnishing their home. Everybody knows that you’re dying to fill and decorate every corner with your stuff as soon as you go in that door but beware and at least try to be mindful of what you put in and do everything step by step.

Here are some mistakes that a new homeowner needs to know.


No-No # 1: Buying everything at once

Being excited and all, you want to make those empty rooms full of your decorating ideas. So you’d go on a mad shopping spree from coffee tables to your canopy bed.

“Stop, sit down, get out a piece of paper, and plan,” says Mark Clement of which suggests a completely different strategy. Make a list and plan. This will help you take your time to think through the rooms and focus with what you really need for the most important rooms. These rooms include the living room, kitchen and family room. Then from there, you can head on one step at a time with the other things you love. Don’t worry if it takes you forever to decorate a new home since you’ll be living there for a while.


No-No # 2: Decorating around a legacy piece

Keeping a great or memorable piece from the past is one of our favorite things to do. May it be your mom’s armoire, or a chair, or even a bookshelf that you just can’t put away, this may just add to your anxiety on trying to decorate around the house. Chances are they’ll just create a more unlikely layout which might be completely wrong for you and the new home.

According to experts, you can still put them inside your house but place them where it’s more appropriate, or maybe sold them, or just put them out on the street.


No-No # 3: Trusting your ‘eye’ rather than a tape measure

Measuring the positions accurately is an important step in designing something as professionals do.

“Measuring a space is imperative before you purchase anything,” says Homepolish designer Will Saks, “You need to understand the dimensions of a space so the scale will feel balanced.” It’s all about how it will look sitting there. Everything should be balanced with the room it’s in.

Don’t forget to measure the doorways and hallways before purchasing large pieces. It will not just give a hard time for the delivery guys but also to you. Imagine buying a large sofa to take up six flights of stairs only to discover that it won’t fit through the doorway. Most companies will give you the minimum clearance you need for delivery, so you need to make sure that it will fit. Get the height of a sofa instead of the width or depth because it is the key measurement needed.


No-No # 4: Cramming rooms like a clown car

Stop and breathe for a moment. Having some empty spaces and walls is just fine unless you want your space to be clogged with unwanted furniture. It will all depend on the home appeal you want to achieve. Going for a sleek look will just need a few key pieces in a room to create that feeling of openness. And as for the artwork, maybe just one large creative frame can do the trick.


No-No # 5: Looking like a page from a catalog or décor mag

It may create a fab look when it comes to décor magazine, but in your own home, it could have a different story. Having to buy everything all at once and from the same place is tempting, but please fight the urge to do it. It may look good in catalogs but will they do the same with your home? Think… think… think!!!





For your Anchorage Alaska home hunting, please check out our site.

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Ranna Fekrat - Agent with Ranna & Associates

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